
communication skills


Il Migliore Corso di Public Speaking in Italia è erogato da Daniele Trevisani Academy sia online che in modalità di coaching in presenza. Il corso viene erogato dai coach e formatori accreditati che hanno conseguito il livello di Master Trainer in HPM presso Daniele Trevisani Academy. il Dott. Daniele Trevisani, supervisore scientifico, è laureato in DAMS-Comunicazione con Master in Communication alla University of  Florida (USA), specializzazione in tecniche teatrali presso l’Università di Hull (UK), e ha conseguito l’onorificenza di Fulbright Scholar (Governo USA) per i contributi apportati alle scienze della comunicazione interculturale e lo studio scientifico dell’incomunicabilità.

migliore corso sul public speaking in Italia

Migliore Corso di Public Speaking in Italia – Chiedi subito un contatto preliminare con Daniele Trevisani Academy compilando questo form. Ti risponderemo al più presto

Migliore Corso di Public Speaking in Italia – Struttura

Un corso di public speaking deve essere strutturato in modo da coprire vari aspetti fondamentali della comunicazione orale in pubblico. Ecco un elenco dettagliato dei principali argomenti e contenuti che dovrebbe includere:

1. Introduzione al Public Speaking

  • Definizione e importanza del public speaking.
  • Obiettivi del corso e aspettative.

2. Gestione dell’Ansia

  • Tecniche di rilassamento e respirazione.
  • Strategie per superare la paura di parlare in pubblico.

3. Preparazione del Discorso

  • Scelta e analisi del tema.
  • Ricerca e raccolta delle informazioni.
  • Organizzazione delle idee (introduzione, corpo, conclusione).

4. Struttura del Discorso

  • Creazione di una struttura chiara e logica.
  • Tecniche per attirare e mantenere l’attenzione del pubblico.
  • Uso di storie, esempi e aneddoti.

5. Tecniche di Presentazione

  • Uso della voce (intonazione, volume, ritmo).
  • Linguaggio del corpo (gesti, postura, movimenti).
  • Contatto visivo con il pubblico.

6. Uso di Supporti Visivi

  • Creazione di presentazioni efficaci (PowerPoint, slide, grafici).
  • Utilizzo appropriato di immagini e video.
  • Gestione di attrezzature tecnologiche.

7. Coinvolgimento del Pubblico

  • Tecniche per interagire con l’audience.
  • Gestione di domande e risposte.
  • Uso di attività interattive.

8. Stili di Public Speaking

  • Differenti tipi di discorsi (informativo, persuasivo, celebrativo, ecc.).
  • Adattamento dello stile al contesto e all’audience.

9. Pratica e Feedback

  • Simulazioni di discorsi in vari contesti.
  • Feedback costruttivo da parte di istruttori e compagni.
  • Auto-valutazione e miglioramento continuo.

10. Aspetti Pratici

  • Gestione del tempo durante il discorso.
  • Preparazione per imprevisti.
  • Esercitazioni pratiche di improvvisazione.

11. Etica e Professionalità

  • Rispetto del pubblico e delle opinioni altrui.
  • Comportamento professionale e rispetto delle regole del contesto.

12. Tecniche Avanzate

  • Uso della retorica e delle figure retoriche.
  • Tecniche di storytelling avanzato.
  • Gestione di discorsi su tematiche complesse o controverse.

Un buon corso di public speaking dovrebbe prevedere una combinazione di teoria e pratica, permettendo ai partecipanti di applicare ciò che hanno appreso in situazioni simulate e reali, con un costante feedback da parte dell’istruttore e degli altri partecipanti.

Perchè frequentare un corso di Public Speaking?

Frequentare un corso di public speaking offre numerosi benefici, sia a livello personale che professionale. Ecco alcune ragioni per cui potrebbe essere vantaggioso partecipare a un corso di questo tipo:

1. Migliorare le Capacità Comunicative

  • Chiarezza e Precisione: Un corso aiuta a esprimere le proprie idee in modo chiaro e conciso.
  • Organizzazione: Insegna come strutturare i discorsi in modo logico e coerente.

2. Superare la Paura di Parlare in Pubblico

  • Riduzione dell’Ansia: Tecniche di gestione dell’ansia e del nervosismo.
  • Autostima: Aumenta la fiducia in se stessi e la capacità di affrontare situazioni di stress.

3. Sviluppo Professionale

  • Opportunità di Carriera: Migliora le prospettive di carriera, in quanto molte posizioni richiedono abilità di presentazione.
  • Leadership: Le capacità di parlare in pubblico sono essenziali per ruoli di leadership e gestione.

4. Efficacia nelle Relazioni Interpersonali

  • Ascolto Attivo: Migliora la capacità di ascoltare e rispondere in modo efficace.
  • Empatia e Comprensione: Aiuta a comprendere meglio le esigenze e le preoccupazioni degli altri.

5. Abilità di Persuasione

  • Argomentazione: Migliora la capacità di costruire e presentare argomenti persuasivi.
  • Influenza: Aumenta la capacità di influenzare e motivare gli altri.

6. Creatività ed Espressività

  • Storytelling: Imparare a raccontare storie coinvolgenti e persuasive.
  • Uso di Supporti Visivi: Migliorare l’uso di presentazioni visive e altri strumenti.

7. Gestione del Tempo e Preparazione

  • Pianificazione: Aiuta a gestire il tempo in modo efficace durante un discorso.
  • Preparazione: Insegna a prepararsi adeguatamente per diversi tipi di presentazioni.

8. Adattabilità e Improvvisazione

  • Flessibilità: Migliora la capacità di adattarsi a situazioni impreviste.
  • Improvvisazione: Abilità di rispondere prontamente a domande o cambiamenti dell’ultimo minuto.

9. Networking e Collaborazione

  • Connessioni: Opportunità di incontrare altre persone con interessi simili.
  • Feedback Costruttivo: Ricevere e dare feedback utile per il miglioramento reciproco.

10. Sviluppo Personale

  • Autoconoscenza: Aiuta a comprendere meglio i propri punti di forza e aree di miglioramento.
  • Resilienza: Rafforza la capacità di affrontare e superare le difficoltà.

Partecipare a un corso di public speaking può trasformare la capacità di comunicare efficacemente, influenzare positivamente la carriera e migliorare le interazioni quotidiane, rendendolo un investimento prezioso per chiunque desideri crescere in questi ambiti.

Migliore Corso di Public Speaking in Italia – Semantica articolo

  • Migliore corso public speaking Italia
  • Public speaking avanzato Italia
  • Corso oratoria efficace Italia
  • Master public speaking Italia
  • Public speaking per professionisti Italia
  • Corsi di comunicazione in pubblico Italia
  • Public speaking per manager Italia
  • Formazione public speaking Italia
  • Workshop public speaking Italia
  • Corsi di retorica Italia
  • Miglior corso oratoria Italia
  • Public speaking online Italia
  • Corsi di presentazione efficace Italia
  • Training public speaking Italia
  • Public speaking per aziende Italia
  • Scuola di public speaking Italia
  • Public speaking per dirigenti Italia
  • Corso di leadership e public speaking Italia
  • Public speaking per imprenditori Italia
  • Public speaking per insegnanti Italia
  • Corso di comunicazione persuasiva Italia
  • Tecniche di public speaking Italia
  • Public speaking con esperti Italia
  • Public speaking per studenti Italia
  • Public speaking per venditori Italia
  • Migliori corsi di public speaking Roma
  • Public speaking per avvocati Italia
  • Public speaking per consulenti Italia
  • Corso di public speaking economico Italia
  • Public speaking per politici Italia
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  • Public speaking weekend Italia
  • Public speaking per medici Italia
  • Public speaking e comunicazione non verbale Italia
  • Public speaking e storytelling Italia
  • Public speaking per presentazioni aziendali Italia
  • Corsi di public speaking personalizzati Italia
  • Public speaking per conferenze Italia
  • Public speaking per eventi Italia
  • Public speaking e media training Italia
  • Corso public speaking base Italia
  • Public speaking per formatori Italia
  • Public speaking per coach Italia
  • Migliori scuole di public speaking Italia
  • Public speaking e gestione dell’ansia Italia
  • Public speaking per migliorare la carriera Italia
  • Public speaking pratico Italia
  • Public speaking per comunicazione efficace Italia
  • Public speaking per il settore tecnologico Italia

Article written by Ginevra Bighini,; mentoring by Dr. Daniele Trevisani,


Today’s article will be about culture shock and its consequences. Since I experienced it too, I will start with a general description of this phenomena, presenting my personal experience at the end.  

What is culture shock?

Let’s use Wikipedia’s concise definition to explain the term:

“Culture shock is an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from one’s own; it is also the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social environments, or simply transition to another type of life. One of the most common causes of culture shock involves individuals in a foreign environment. Common problems include: information overload, language barrier, generation gap, technology gap, skill interdependence, formulation dependency, homesickness (cultural), boredom (job dependency), response ability (cultural skill set).” (1)

In other words, when you move to a culturally different place, you may be overwhelmed by a multitude of feelings, such as anxiety, loneliness, confusion, etc., because this new place feels far away from what you normally experience in your daily life. Everything is strange and unfamiliar and dealing with this feeling of unfamiliarity brings you anguish and inner stress.

In some cases, this psychological disorder can turn into a physical problem: it is not uncommon that after some time you start to suffer from stomach pain, insomnia or, in my case, kidney pain, etc.

The process of culture shock is divided in 4 stages:

  • Honeymoon: in this first stage everything seems new and beautiful and you feel euphoric for very little detail in your new life, but unfortunately this initial happiness is bound to end.
  • Negotiation: this is the worst part, in which nothing seems right anymore. You are angry, because you begin to realize that things are not going as you thought, you are sad because you feel lonely and you miss your family and friends, you feel anxious and uncomfortable, because you start comparing your new life with the old one and you realize that your old life had good points too. Fortunately, this stage will also come to an end.
  • Adjustment: after 6 or more months you will finally adjust to the new routine, the difficulties no longer seem so difficult to overcome, as in the previous phase, and everything is going back to normal.
  • Adaptation: you have now adapted to your new life and are experiencing a sense of belonging, feeling at home in what was a new environment at first.

When you finally reach the 4th stage, a re-entry culture shock may arise when you go back to your old place, forcing you to reexperience the process of culture shock all over again.

Now, explaining what a culture shock is and experiencing it are two completely different things and I know what I’m talking about, because it happened to me too.

When I first arrived in Japan, I couldn’t believe how happy I was to be there. I was fascinated by every little thing, from road signs and buildings shapes, to restaurants and shops. I remember my first calls to family and friends, full of excitement and hope for a bright future in Japan. If I’m not mistaken, I also remember telling them that I wanted to live there forever, or something like that.

All that lasted only 2 months and my negotiation phase started when I came back to Japan after spending my Christmas holidays at home in Italy.

I was devastated: I continuously thought about Italy and all its positive aspects. I missed everyone back at home and I couldn’t believe I was so exited at first, because I couldn’t think about any pros of being in Japan anymore: people looked unfriendly, road signs were too strange, fruits and vegetables costed too much, the room I rented was too small, etc.

In brief, I felt like I was living in the wrong place, a place in which I could never belong even if I tried and that feeling of uneasiness didn’t help me sleep (yes, I also suffered from insomnia).

After a while, when my boyfriend came to Japan for a month, I started being happy again and I was trying to adjust to my new life, when my study and work experience came to an end and I had to return to Italy.

Since I didn’t have the time to adjust completely I didn’t have to suffer from a re-entry shock, but I couldn’t go through all the stages, so, right now, I feel like retrying that same experience to prove myself that I can finally find a new home.

I don’t know if I will do it, but be sure that, as soon as this pandemic end, I’ll be back to Japan.

To conclude, if you really want to move to a culturally different country, be aware that all the inner and outer things you will experience are normal and that if you are very determined to build a new like a completely new environment, you can do it, because you will always adjust to it in the end.

Article written by Ginevra Bighini,; mentoring by Dr. Daniele Trevisani,




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  • World’s most famous expert in intercultural communication
  • World’s most famous expert in intercultural negotiation
  • culture shock
  • Honeymoon stage
  • Negotiation stage
  • Adjustment stage
  • Adaptation stage
  • psychological disorder
  • re-entry culture shock
  • being foreigner in Japan
  • Japanese Culture
  • Japanese Identity
  • Japanese Values
  • Japanese Language
  • personal experience
  • personal feelings
  • being Italian in Japan
  • personal point of view

Article written by Ginevra Bighini,; mentoring by Dr. Daniele Trevisani,


I wasn’t really sure about the topic of today’s article, because there are actually too many things to say about being a foreigner in Japan, but I decided to list some pros and cons that had a special impact in my daily life there.  

The first thing I must underline is the fact that I’m Italian, so please note that my point of view may be different from yours if you do not come from the same culture as mine. Furthermore, everything is based on my personal experience as a working student, so be aware that my list of advantages and disadvantages can be considered incomplete by those how had a different experience.  

Being Accepted   

First of all, I would like to start with a negative issue: being accepted in Japan can be very difficult.  

This doesn’t mean that people make you feel unwelcomed, maybe some people do, but there are very few of them. What I mean is that they will always see you as a foreigner, even though you speak their language perfectly or you own a house and car and have lived there for more than 20 years.  

The worst thing is that there is nothing you can do to be fully accepted, because it is impossible to have the requirements: being born and raised in Japan by Japanese parents, or, in other words, being a pure blood Japanese.  

The good thing about all of this is that, since you will never be considered a real Japanese, you won’t have to put up with social pressure, trying to live up to the expectations of Japanese society, which are very high.  

Feeling Safe  

As it is well known, Italy is one of those countries with a high level of petty crime. When I have to go the station or when I have to go out alone during night hours, I’m always scared of bumping into some pickpocket, that wants to steal my bag. When I was in Japan, I always felt safe when walking down the street, even when I had to head home from work at midnight.  

Another example to explain this incredible fact is the following: when I went for the first time in a food court inside a shopping centre, I noticed that people left their bags on the tables to occupy them without anyone to check on them.  

That really surprised me, because I couldn’t believe they weren’t afraid of someone stealing them, but that’s how Japan is and it’s great.  

Human Relationships

Here comes my Italian side. People in Italy are usually very direct: we are used to openly express our emotions and ideas, without fear, while Japan is totally the opposite: people do not speak their mind and interpreting their thoughts is a hard task.    

Creating long-lasting relationships was the most difficult part of my experience. The truth is I made many friends, but no one was Japanese. I had Chinese friends, Korean friends, Italian and American friends, but I couldn’t make a single true Japanese friend.  

But as I explained before, maybe that is something related only to my personal experience and nothing more. 

Cleanliness and Punctuality  

This is probably something you have heard more than one time about Japan. The Japanese have enormous respect for society and social harmony. For this reason, it is unacceptable to leave a place dirty or to fail one’s word, failing their duties by arriving late.  

This is why everything is always clean and punctual.  

It may happen that, for example, a train arrives late, but usually it is due to some major problem, like accidents or poor weather conditions.  

During my stay in Japan there was only a time when my train was late and that was when a big snowfall created some damages on the trainline. I remember that I took the train at 11 p.m. after finishing my work and I arrived at home at 2:30 a.m… I was devastated, but fortunately I didn’t have to repeat that experience for a second time!  

The Japanese Language  

This is the last, but not least part. As I said before I was a working student in Japan, so I was there to work and learn the language. I must say that at first, I couldn’t speak Japanese quite well and for that reason, many things appeared more difficult than it actually were.  

If I have to use one of my experiences again, I would choose the first time I went to an hospital, 2 days after my arrival in Japan.  

I wasn’t very lucky, that’s true, because I contracted a kidney infection during the flight, that caused me many problems.  

I clearly remember it was Sunday and hospitals were closed, so I had to call an ambulance to have an immediate complete check-up. The people on the ambulance didn’t speak English, so I couldn’t well explain how I was feeling and, at the same time, they couldn’t understand what my emergency was.  

Fortunately, my Italian flatmate, who later became my friend, helped me, coming with me to the hospital to mediate. This way, I could overcome the language gap and cure the infection.  

After improving my language skills there were no more problems like that, so, for those who decide to go to Japan, please remember that you may be lucky and find someone who speaks English, but usually if you do not know the language, you may encounter many more obstacles, than necessary.  

To conclude, being a foreigner in Japan is not easy, but if you begin your experience with an open mind, ready to find a different world made of different values and a different language, you will be able to overcome all obstacles and maybe find a new place to call home. 

Article written by Ginevra Bighini,; mentoring by Dr. Daniele Trevisani,



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  • intercultural training
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  • What is intercultural negotiation?
  • World’s most famous expert in intercultural communication
  • World’s most famous expert in intercultural negotiation
  • being foreigner in Japan
  • Japanese Culture
  • Japanese Identity
  • Japanese Values
  • Japanese Language
  • Being accepted in Japan
  • human relationships in Japan
  • cleanliness in Japan
  • punctuality in Japan
  • Feeling Safe in Japan
  • personal experience
  • personal feelings
  • being Italian in Japan
  • advantages and disadvantages
  • pros and cons
  • personal point of view

Article written by Ginevra Bighini,; mentoring by Dr. Daniele Trevisani,


Today’s article will be about Germany and its immigration history, past and present. By observing what happened during the last 70 years, we will try to understand if people are really able to learn from their mistakes. 

Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is a country at the intersection of Central and Western Europe, situated between the Baltic and North seas to the north, and the Alps to the south; covering an area of 357,022 square kilometres, with a population of over 83 million within its 16 constituent states. 

Germany is a great power with a strong economy. As a global leader in several industrial, scientific and technological sectors, it is both the world’s third-largest exporter and importer of goods. As a developed country, which ranks very high on the Human Development Index, it offers social security and a universal health care system, environmental protections, and a tuition-free university education. (1)

But what about immigration? 

In 2011, Germany had 80.3 million residents. Of those residents, 15.96 million – almost 19% of the entire population – had a migration background. 

Incessant wars, religious conflicts, famines, political grievances and a lack of prospects forced many people to leave Germany over the centuries. The land’s relative population loss was enormous. An estimated six million emigrants left Germany between 1820 and 1920. The tide of emigration only began to ebb, beginning in 1890, as the industrial era brought economic success to the German Empire. From that point on, the number of individuals immigrating to Germany surpassed the number of Germans who left. Foreign laborers found employment, above all, in the booming centres of the coal and steel industries. 

During the national socialist dictatorship the camps and the daily sight of forced laborers were simply part of everyday life for the local population.  

The years after 1945 were shaped by people in motion as well. The forced mobility of diverse groups of people (refugees, people expelled from their homes through territorial exchange and other so-called displaced persons) altered the structure of the German population, giving rise to tensions and conflicts with local residents. The number of refugees and expellees only first began to decline at the end of the 1940s. Simultaneously, the growing demand for labour soon outstripped the capacity of the labour force.  

In order to offset labour shortages, the federal government turned to a traditional model of recruiting and temporarily employing foreign workers, who took on jobs that German laborers considered unattractive. After the 1966-7 economic crisis, the immigration process decelerated until the early 1990s, when the numbers rapidly grew again and are continuing to grow even now. (2)

As a result of immigration, people with different cultures and traditions and greater religious diversity are now living together.  

Attitudes about successful coexistence in an immigration society differ significantly across generations: the younger the person, the less the wish for adaptation. While 66 percent of the population over 70 years of age express the opinion that immigrants should culturally adapt, this proportion gradually declines among younger groups, to 22 percent among respondents under 25 years of age.  (3)

There are still many prejudices and stereotypes about foreigners, but, in the end, the truth is that Germany profits from the immigrants. They boost the economy, contribute towards the welfare system and help reduce the lack of professionals. (2)

This doesn’t happen to Germany alone: immigration remains a profitable asset for all countries, even though many people haven’t understood that yet, and continue to regard this phenomenon as a destructive cancer. 

To those who think that I can only say that if you look at your family tree and go back to centuries, you will surely find that your ancestors migrated from a place to another. The fact is that we are all children of migrations and we must never forget it. 

Article written by Ginevra Bighini,; mentoring by Dr. Daniele Trevisani,






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  • intercultural negotiation training
  • intercultural training
  • Intercultural Training Consultants
  • What is intercultural negotiation?
  • World’s most famous expert in intercultural communication
  • World’s most famous expert in intercultural negotiation
  • 19% of the entire population has a migration background 
  • 1966-7 economic crisis 
  • developed country
  • Economic and political relations
  • expellees 
  • Federal Republic of Germany 
  • Foreign laborers 
  • Germany – A Land of Immigration
  • global leader
  • immigration as a profitable asset 
  • immigration history 
  • immigration process
  • labour shortages 
  • national socialist dictatorship
  • prejudices and stereotypes 
  • refugees