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The Best Coach in Italy, based on the Google Scholar ranking which includes number, quality and continuity of publications, is Dr. Daniele Trevisani, with coaching experience in over 200 companies and organizations including ten-year coaching of UN Commanders (Blue Helmets ) and Special Forces. For his contributions he received the honor of Fulbright Scholar (US Government) for innovations in coaching, communication and human factors. He is the writer of 30 books published by the major Italian publishers.

who is the best coach in italy and Europe

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Who is the Best Coach in Italy – comparisons – perspectives on coaching in France


Coaching, or accompaniment , is a support method personalized aimed at improving the capabilities and performance of an individual , a group or an organization , through the improvement of knowledge , optimization of the processes and methods of organization and control . Originally it was developed in the world of sport ( the coach can be a coach or complete his _ figure professional for a type of encouragement more motivational ), but his usage is gone beyond This context from the end of the 20th century to appear halfway _ of the company , then that of the personal development less so framed and often disputed . Is present many today _ areas of life, professional , nutritional , parental , scholastic , etc.

Coaching is the support profession based on the dialogue between the client and his coach. It allows the customer , through the construction of these exchanges , to find solutions more suited to his abilities , beliefs and representations , to her situation and its challenges .

The concept of coaching, without a precise Square regulatory , can to be claimed by anyone without qualifying conditions _ professional or effective competence . For example , “ personal development ” coaching , which had some success commercial , generated a plethora of offers , which suffers of the absence of a framework institutional and support scientific . This term from Therefore originates from many abuse and can to be used as a manipulation tool 1 .

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – Terminology

The first meaning of “ carriage ”, “ large wagon horse – drawn ” manufactured in Kocs in Hungary In the XVI century , called coke in French , carried , around 1830, the meaning figurative of ” instructor / trainer “, in Oxford University HYPERLINK “”jargon , to appoint a tutor, a mentor , who ” transports ” the student to an exam ; the meaning of “ coach sporty ” would be appeared around 1861 2 .

In France, the commission general terminology and neology _ recommends use of the terms ” orientation ” in the field of “health, medicine and psychology “, “mentoring” in the field of “economics and management” . company ” and “ instructions through signs ” in the field of sport 3 , 4 . Aside _ his , the Grand Dictionnaire terminology Quebecois offers also , depending on the field, the terms ” accompaniment “, ” guidance “, ” direction “. of the athletes ” [ref. necessary ] .

Depending on the context , the terms “advisor” (e.g. ” employment consultant “), ” consultant ” (e.g. ” professional development consultant ” ), “coach”, “mentor” 5 [ ref . incomplete ] or “coach” 6 can to be used to refer to the person conducting the coaching.

Philosophy is one of the roots of coaching, as exercise autonomous from the right , too when this is driven by dialogue or the maieutics Socratic . Know each other put problems , finding varied solutions on your own , bringing forward a way of seeing things and life , are part of it integral to coaching as well as philosophy 7 .

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – History

Milton Hyland Erickson : active between 1930 and 1980. Beyond at the her activity as a psychiatrist , he intervened in this That has a strong resemblance to life coaching, such as increasing sports performance or helping a young person who has difficulty finding a job _ 8 . He used hypnosis formal in only 50% of his sessions 9 . According to his exegetes (Ernest Rossi, Jay Haley) used it a harmless conversation , called hypnosis without hypnosis or hypnosis conversational without trance to facilitate the change of his customer . This conversation could look at Also subjects harmless . Many writings his parents say coaching dialogues during sessions transcribed That allow you to appreciate the coaching strategies implemented . _

Coaching appeared in the United States at the start of the 60s. It has its roots in the cybernetics (since 1942), in Palo Alto school (since 1953) and in New Age ( at Esalen Institute in California, since 1961) 10 and in the observation of therapists such as Milton Erickson , Virginia Satir , Fritz Perls .

Structuring from the profession in France and Europe [

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – 90s: first federations

In 1992 it was created the European Mentoring and Coaching Center (EMCC). In 1995 it was the International Coaching Federation ( ICF ) was created . Was _ introduced in France in 1999. In 1996 it was the first federation was created French coaches . _ This is the French coaching company , or SFCoach .

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – Gradual recognition from the profession

2014 is an important year for professional coaching in Europe. The main ones federations professional Europeans (Société française de coaching, EMCC Global and ICF Global, CWF (Coaching World Federation) sign an agreement with the Union European (the so-called “Bologna” agreement ), which establishes self-regulation of the professional coaching professions through these federations in each of the countries of the EU 11 .

In 2016, the profession of professional coach was officially recognized in Europe, France has included professional coaching in the List national certification system professional ( RNCP ) 12 , 13 .

In 2019 it was created the Syndicate Interprofessional Support , Coaching and Supervision ( SIMACS ) bringing together different organisations . It is made up of two federations international (EMCC France, ICF -France), two associations professional French (Société française de coaching, or SFCoach , and PSF) and a trade union ( SynPAAC ) 14 .

Also in 2019, SIMACS want integrate a branch professional . Because the State French does not allow plus the creation of new ones branches professional 15 , SIMACS , and therefore the organizations that compose it , have joined at the Federation of the Intellectual Services of Consulting , Engineering and Digital Services ( CINOV ) in her branch “ Design offices technical , consultancy company _ engineering and consultancy firm ” ( BETIC ) 14 .

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – The future from the structuring

One of the goals from the fusion Between SIMACS and CINOV is the recognition from the professional coaching profession in itself standing Thank you to obtain specifications codes NAF and ROME and the creation of an appendix to CINOV 16 . In fact , professional coaches they still have to use NAF and ROME codes that do not match specifically to they 12 : M1402 ( “ organization and management consultancy company ”) and M1502 (“ resource development human “).

During _ Over the years , professional coaching has asserted itself legitimacy at the institutions governments and companies .

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – Limits of ethics

Malarewicz defines ethics _ 17 as “ the set of operational rules that a profession Yes gives , in attempt to resolve all or part of the problems ethical that his _ members can encounter “. Therefore , just like the Council of orders forensics Europeans defines the code ethical for the lawyers 18 , the same professional coaching organizations define the code ethical for professional coaches ( e.g SFCoach 19 ).

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – Questions ethics for the coaching relationship

Coaching presents limits specific to relationships of help or to psychotherapies , even if these practices are distinct . Most _ the feeling of power and transference are known / countertransference . “In therapy , it’s the mechanism through which the patient transfers feelings to the therapist unconscious of tenderness or affection ( transference positive ), fear or hostility ( transference negative ) that try for another person. […] Faced with transference , the latter reacts with countertransference , That characterizes feelings and emotions _ That test it back 20 . »

The branch French of the International Coach Federation intends to limit This risk of manipulation supervising the coaching service . It must therefore to be limited in the object ( contract That defines The objectives ) and over time ( typically six to nine months ); is to be avoided also the dependency relationship _ 21 . These problems are a priori reduced because , unlike a relationship asymmetrical (who knows and who doesn’t know ), the coach-coachee relationship is builds on a bond Between equal , that aim even to give it all autonomy to the coachee.

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – Training, diplomas and supervision

Training framework in France

In France, the profession of “personal development coach” and related professions are not regulated and their practice is free (“ accessible without a particular diploma ”, according to Rome del Pôle file K1103 emploi 22 ) . It is therefore possible call yourself a professional coach without having completed any training .

professional coach intervenes as an expert in three directions fundamentals which are organizational coaching, team coaching and individual coaching . He comes established a reference framework of competences and yes _ recommends That the coach professional adhere to the code ethics of one federation 23 , 24 .

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – Supervision from the practice : supervision

Origin and definition

The codes ethics of the federations include systematically the use of supervisors to supervise the practice of the coaches . This practice call supervision is in a certain sense “coach coaching”. Allows you to introduce a third party in the coach-coachee relationship and therefore to limit some effects as unwanted as countertransference [ Information doubtful ] 25 [ref. non- compliant ] .

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – Notes and references

  1. Make higher than: to Bc and d The excesses of the coach [ archive ], France Inter , 17 November 2018.
  2. com [ archive ].
  3. The word “coach” on the France Terme website [ archive ], on fr ( accessed 7 December 2018).
  4. Recommendation ( official ) on equivalent French from the word coach ”, [ archive ], on fr , 22 July 2005 (accessed 7 December 2018).
  5. Recommended termin France by the DGLFLF Official Journal , March 26, 2004, see FranceTerme .
  6. Big Dictionary Terminological[ archive ].
  7. Joël Figari, “Coaching and philosophy ”, Diotime, Revue internationale de didactique de la philosophie , n ° 42, October 2009, CRDP de Montpellier ( read online [ archive ]).
  8. Cases 316 and 305 in uncommon therapy , WHO’Hanlon and ALHexum
  9. JA Malarewicz , 14 lessons in Strategic Therapy , 1998, ESF editor.
  10. Baptiste Rappin , “ Philosophical essay on origins cybernetics of coaching”, Communication and organization , n° 46, 2014, read online [ archive ].
  11. Professional coaching inserted in the list of professions self-regulated give her authority Europeans[ archive ] [PDF], up ICF France , 5 March 2014 ( accessed 2 February 2023).
  12. Go back higher to: a and b List national certification system professionals : Professional Coach [ archive ], on skills in France ( accessed 2 February 2023)
  13. Summary descriptive from the code certification _ RNCP : 31971 [ archive ], on France Competences ( accessed 2 February 2023)
  14. Go back to the top in: a and b History of SIMACS[ archive ], on the Union interprofessional of the support , coaching and supervision jobs _ ( accessed 2 February 2023).
  15. The restructuring of the branches professional” , [ archive ], October 21, 2020 (accessed February 2 , 2023).
  16. Charte du SIMACS[ archive ] ( accessed 2 February 2023).
  17. ^ Malarewicz , Systems and Enterprise , Global Village, 2000 ( ISBN 2-7440-6161-1 ), p . 146.
  18. Charter and Code of Ethics for European Lawyers [ archive ] [PDF], up Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe , 31 January 2008 ( accessed 2 February 2023).
  19. SFCoach Code of Ethics ”, [ archive ], April 2020 (accessed February 2 , 2023).
  20. Coaching , Caby, 2002, De Vecchi., p. 171.
  21. Questions frequent, on International Coach Federation France , points 8 and 15 .
  22. Foglio Roma K1103 – Personal development and well-being of the person [ archive ] [PDF], up , December 2011.
  23. Who are we ? [ archive], on SFCoach (accessed 2 February 2023).
  24. Ethics and deontology [ archive ], on EMCC France ( accessed 2 February 2023).
  25. Higy-Lang and C. Gellman, Coaching , 2000, Organization Editions.
  • This article is partially or totally treatment from the article entitled “ Coach (person) ” ( see the list of the authors).
  • “On “ accompaniment ”, as a paradigm ” ( Number from the journal Pratiques de Formation/Analyses ( University of Paris 8, Formation Permanente, December 2000
  • Accompaniment : one posture professional specific (Maela PAUL) Éditions L’Harmattan (2 December 2004). Collection : Knowledge and training .
  • The empire of the coaches . A new form of social control , Roland Gori and Pierre Le Coz , Albin-Michel, 2006 ( ISBN 978-2226174987 )
  • Coaching Dictionary , Pierre Angel, Patrick Amar, Émilie Devienne, Jacques Tencé , ed. Dunod , 2007 ( ISBN 978-2100496563 )
  • Professional support ? : Method to use of operators That they exercise a function educational (Michel Vial, Nicole Caparros- Mencacci , Jean-Marie De Ketele ). DeBoeck (2007). Collection : Pedagogies in development.
  • Being a coach : from research of the performance upon awakening , Robert Dilts , ed. Dunod , 2008 ( ISBN 978-2100502462 )
  • Knowing how to be a coach : an art , one posture , an ethic , Reine Marie Halbout , ed. Eyrolles , 2009 ( ISBN 978-2212542349 )
  • Accompaniment guide professional of a change (Louise Lafortune ). University of Quebec Press (2009). Collection : Fusion .

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights 2010s

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – Articles related

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – Specialized Coaching

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Insights – The situation in Spain

Coaching is a form of personal development in which an expert person , called coach , supports a student or client In the achievement of a goal personal or professional by providing training and orientation . 1 Sometimes, the student is known as a coachee ( Spanish kou̯t͡ʃi ] , “ trained ”). Coaching can Often mean a relation informal between two people , one of whom has more experience of the other and offers advice and guidance as the coachee learns ; However , coaching differs from mentoring in that Yes concentrate on tasks or objectives specific , as opposed to objective more general or general development . 1 ​2 ​3​ According to the Royal Spanish Academy , this is not necessary use the word coach and his team derivatives ( coaching, coachee , etc.) when Yes speaks in Spanish , arguing That exist already equivalent terms such as coach , monitor and coach . 4

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Types of coaching

People undergoing training to dedicate themselves to coaching , _ _ calls candidates , must have a preparation thorough and master matter multidisciplinary to understand the mind , as well as the management of ideas and emotions . There are three characteristics essential to distinguish among the types of coaching 5

  1. Methodology : the session can to be directive , if the coach transfers information , judgment or experience to the customer ; or non- directive , if the coach promotes an environment adequate for the development of knowledge silent .
  2. Scope : the session can be for a purpose personal or work-related .
  3. Participants : The session can to be turning point individually or in a group .

coaching are structured under these Three characteristics , regardless of their name commercial or descriptive . For example , an executive coaching service for the administrator company delegate _ it will be executive coaching ; if it’s for one squad departmental Instead than for the director general , it will be team coaching; if the goal working he comes changed for a personal one , it will be vital coaching ; if it concerns the members of a family , it will be family coaching; and so on. It’s not easy to distinguish Everything is fine type of coaching according to market definitions , yes ranges from simple business coaching to services such as systemic coaching , whose name barely deciphers its methodology . _ _ To that end , yes distinguish :

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – Types of coaching

  • Self-coaching : it is the process of coaching applied to oneself , that is the use of different coaching methods to improve self-development personal and professional . 6
  • Trainingsporty .
  • Educational coaching .
  • Coaching : Oriented towards improvement structural of micro and small businesses . 7
  • Functional Coaching : uses one approach empirical and provides solutions practices .
  • Cognitive coaching : finalized to the exercise of cognitive actions to motivate people to direct themselves and achieve results excellent .
  • Transformational coaching : try to help the coachee discover _ new skills and abilities to continue undertaking ( meeting objectives ) _ _
  • Organizational coaching : collaboration to find areas of opportunity in large organizations . 8
  • Coaching : focused on capacity development managerial personnel , enhancing strengths and doing _ _ virtues of weaknesses , promoting team leadership, improving listening active and language . 9
  • Religious coaching : applied in the movements religious to improve training _ of the parishioners .
  • Leadership coaching : oriented at the training of leaders and teams. [ citation necessary ]
  • ontological coaching: working with being and its properties transcendental . Therefore , the individual is considered as a trilogy Between language , body and emotions ; by intervening in one of these domains, it is possible intervene in the others , enhancing the skills and possibilities of the coachee . 10 It’s one profession busy in the expansion of potential personal , organizational and social, based on learning within a framework constructivist and one prospect systematic . 11
  • Essential coaching : it is transpersonal coaching , it develops the level more profound potential _ of being human , facing his _ essence , his uniqueness , breaking the limits of the ego to recreate we themselves , generating wisdom through the expansion from the consciousness to achieve meta- results . . 12
  • Executive coaching: the coach accompanies the client In the process of awareness and responsibility and recommends it .
  • Non- directive coaching : the coach does not contribute his own experience in the topic treated , does not advise or guide . The technique of non- directive coaching Yes concentrate on the investigation process and not on information .
  • Realistic coaching : it is an evolution of the non – directive , it is humanistic in nature and applies the European style . His _ commitment is with the customer , not with the goal , and emphasizes elements such as discourse structure or humanization of the objective .
  • Quantum coaching : Defends the idea than mechanics _ quantum and the idea That the observer influences reality they can be applied to the world that we observe , then the customer is able to decide his own reality . According to the laws from the physics , this statement is incorrect and lacks foundation _ scientific to support it .

Who is the Best Coach in Italy – semantics

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