
who is the best coach in Europe


Dr. Daniele Trevisani is the best business coach in Europe according to a special ranking of Amazon on books published, quality and continuity in publishing, and Google impact factor.

daniele trevisani best business coach in the world

Dr. Daniele Trevisani achieved the US Government Award “Fulbright Scholarship” as distinguished European independent researcher in Communication Studies and Human Factor, and obtained a Master of Arts in Mass Communication (with Honors) at the University of Florida (USA). He currently works as Freelance Trainer and Top Coach, Writer, Researcher, serving Individual Clients, Organizations, Leaders, and Business Firms, including 200 Companies and the training of United Nations Blue Helmets and Commanders.

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Who is the best business coach in Europe? – More on coaching methods

Best business coach in Europe – Coaching

Coaching , or accompaniment , is a method of personalized support intended to improve the skills and performance of an individual, group or organization, through the improvement of knowledge , the optimization of processes and organization and control methods. It was originally developed in the world of sport (the coach could be a trainer or complete it for a more moral type of encouragement), but its use overflowed from this context from the end of the 20th century . century to appear in the middle of the company, then that of personal development in a less framed and often contested way.

Coaching is the profession of support based on a dialogue between the client and his coach. It allows the client, through the construction of these exchanges, to find the solutions best suited to their capacities, beliefs and representations, to their situation and their challenges.

Best business coach in Europe – Terminology

The first meaning of “coach”, “large horse-drawn carriage” made in Kocs in Hungary in the 16th century, called coche in French , brought , around 1830 , the figurative meaning “instructor / trainer”, in the slang of the ‘ University of Oxford , to appoint a tutor, a mentor, who “transports” the student to an exam; the meaning of “sports trainer” would have appeared around 1861 2 .

In France, the General Terminology and Neology Commission recommends the use of the terms “guidance” in the field of “health, medicine and psychology”, “mentoring” in the field of “economy and business management”, and “instructions by signs ‘ in the field of sport 3 , 4 . For its part, the Grand Dictionnaire terminologique québécois also offers, depending on the field, the terms “accompaniment”, “steering”, “directing athletes” [ref. necessary] .

Depending on the context, the terms “advisor” (eg: “employment adviser”), “consultant” (eg: “professional development consultant”), “coach”, “mentor” 5 [ref. incomplete] or “coach” 6 can be used to refer to the person conducting the coaching.

Best business coach in Europe – Story

Milton Hyland Erickson : active between 1930 and 1980. In addition to his activity as a psychiatrist, he intervened in what strongly resembles life coaching, such as increasing sports performance or helping a young man having difficulty finding a job 7 . He only used formal hypnosis in 50% of his sessions 8 . According to his exegetes (Ernest Rossi, Jay Haley) he used an innocuous conversation, called hypnosis without hypnosis or conversational hypnosis without trance to help the change of his client. This conversation could also relate to innocuous subjects. Many writings recount his coaching dialogues during transcribed sessions that allow to appreciate the coaching strategies put in place.

Coaching appeared in the United States in the early 1960s. It has its roots in cybernetics (from 1942), the Palo Alto school (from 1953) and the New Age (at the Esalen Institute in California, from 1961) 9 and the observation of therapists such as Milton Erickson , Virginia Satir , Fritz Perls .

The paradigm of the exercise of the position of accompanist was experimented and theorized very early by Jacques Ardoino .

The use of the word coaching appeared in France and Europe in the mid-1990s, coming from North America. The word “coaching” refers to a pedagogical learning process. The precursors of this approach, Tim Gallwey and John Whitmore described their methods of specific support in the world of sport from the 1980s by evoking “the inner game ”. The best seller The coaching guide written by John Whitmore (one of the founders of the EMCC) greatly contributed to the dissemination of the concept in those years. In France, in addition to the firm Transformation which then split into several structures and gave birth to Transformance and Mozaik International in 1995, IFOD and the DÔjÔ were the first coaching schools until the 2000s. Many other schools then developed, thus responding to a strong demand for training.

The first association of coaches in France was created in 1996.

The Bologna agreements have enabled international coaching federations to sign an agreement with the European Union for recognition of a self-regulated profession.

On October 31, 2019, 2 international federations (EMCC France, ICF-France), 2 French professional associations (Société Française de Coaching ( SFCoach ) and PSF) and a union ( SynPAAC ), through the Syndicat Interprofessionnel des professions de l’Accompagnement , Coaching and Supervision, SIMACS, joined the BETIC Branch (Technical Design Offices, consulting engineering firms and consulting companies) by joining the employers’ federation CINOV (Engineering – Consulting – Digital).

Best business coach in Europe – Coaching challenges

Coaching provides professional support . We also speak of operational support or even personal support for change, outside the strictly professional sphere.

Coaching is clearly distinguished from mentoring by positioning. In coaching, the guide (“coach”) stands alongside the accompanied person (“coached”) in an equal position. The mentor is usually a line manager, has a role of guide and acts within the framework of more specified functions. The coach is in a high position on the process of change 11 , but in a low position on the content [unclear] to help the person being coached to progress in autonomy, while mentoring supposes on the part of the accompanying person a high position, guide status.

Two approaches distinguish coaching from mentoring:

The confusion between these two types of accompaniment is induced by the official translation of the term “coaching”, which has become in its francization “mentoring”.

We must also distinguish between coaching:

  • on the one hand: coaching is on the side of the accompanied person, advice is on the side of the organization;
  • psychotherapy , on the other hand: coaching generally works on a clearly identified request 12 on the “here and now” over a short period of time, while psychotherapy (strongly influenced in France by psychoanalysis) works on the past over a short period of time. mostly long.

However, philosophy is one of the roots of coaching, insofar as it is an autonomous exercise of reason, even when this is guided by dialogue or by Socratic maieutics. Knowing how to pose problems, finding varied solutions on your own, advancing a way of seeing things and life, are an integral part of coaching as well as of philosophy 13 .

Best business coach in Europe –The paradox of coaching and ethics

Malarewicz defines deontology 14 as “the set of operating rules that a profession gives itself, in an attempt to resolve all or part of the ethical problems that its members may encounter”.

Best business coach in Europe – Ethical issues for the coaching relationship

Coaching presents certain potential dangers inherent in any intellectual service, but because of the closeness of the relationship — and the very ignorance of coaching — these difficulties are exacerbated. The most obvious problem, which is common to consulting, is that of confidentiality: the coachee often provides very personal information about himself or critical information about his colleagues or his organization (case of tripartite coaching ). This information can be used against the coachee if it is not kept confidential. Confidentiality is very important to the coachee. The question arises mainly when the coachee is not the payer (the company) and when the company uses internal coaches [ref. desired] .

In addition, through the posture of the coach, coaching can in theory present a risk of manipulation of the coachee as in any relationship or message between individuals 15 [insufficient source] . In principle, this risk of manipulation is low since the coaching service itself is limited in its object (contract defining the objectives) and in time (coaching is generally limited to 15 to 20 sessions, i.e. less than one year, and must avoid the construction of a relationship of dependence) 16 . It is a priori also essential for an organization to call on several coaches with varied backgrounds in order to avoid being dependent on a single individual. These problems are a priori reduced because, unlike an asymmetrical relationship (the one who knows and the one who does not know), the coach-coachee relationship is built on a bond of equals, which also aims to give all the autonomy to the coachee.

Coaching also presents specific limits to helping relationships or to psychotherapies, even if coaching should not be confused with these practices. The best known are: feeling of power or transference / counter-transference . “In therapy, it is the mechanism by which the patient transfers to the therapist the unconscious feelings of tenderness or affection (positive transference), fear or hostility (negative transference) that he experiences for another person. […] Faced with the transference, the latter reacts with the counter-transference which characterizes the feelings and emotions that he experiences in return 17 . »

Best business coach in Europe – Training, diplomas and supervision

In France, the profession of “personal development coach” and related professions are not regulated and their practice is free (“accessible without a particular diploma” according to the Rome K1103 file of Pôle Emploi 18 ).

The professional coach intervenes as an expert in three fundamental directions which are organizational coaching, team coaching and individual coaching, A skills reference system is established and it is recommended that the professional coach adhere to the code of deontology of a federation [ref. necessary] .

At practice group level, the coach can benefit from supervision, ie “coach coaching” 19 . [insufficient source] More generally, “supervision can be defined as the meeting which generally takes place between two people exercising the same professional activity and working on the same situation”. This makes it possible to introduce a third party into the coach-coachee relationship and therefore to limit certain undesirable effects such as counter-transference. In some countries, such as Germany, the practices of intervision (exchange of practices with several people) seem to be more developed than that of supervision.

Best business coach in Europe – Notes and references

  1. com [ archive ].
  2. The word “coach” on the France Terme website [ archive ], on fr (consulted on December 7, 2018).
  3. Recommendation (official) on the French equivalents of the word coach ” , [ archive ], at gouv.fr , July 22, 2005 (accessed December 7, 2018).
  4. Term recommended in France by the DGLFLF Official Journal , March 26, 2004, see FranceTerme .
  5. Great Terminological Dictionary [ archive ].
  6. Cases 316 and 305 in Extraordinary Therapy , W. HO’Hanlon and ALHexum
  7. JA Malarewicz , 14 lessons in Strategic Therapy , 1998, ESF editor.
  8. Baptiste Rappin , “Philosophical essay on the cybernetic origins of coaching”, Communication and organization , n° 46, 2014, read online [ archive ].
  9. DGLF , CRITER database and Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique .
  10. Patrice Fornalik , “Coaching: the curve of change”, Ekilium , October 3, 2016 ( read online [ archive ], accessed November 13, 2017).
  11. The importance of the demand for coaching – The profession of coach [ archive ], on ekilium.fr .
  12. Coaching and philosophy, Joël Figari, Diotime, Revue internationale de didactique de la philosophie, n ° 42, October 2009, CRDP de Montpellier ( http://www.educ-revues.fr/diotime/Acheter.aspx?iddoc=39041&pos =3 [ archive ]).
  13. Malarewicz , Systemics and Enterprise , Global Village, 2000 ( ISBN 2-7440-6161-1 ), p. 146.
  14. Joule and Beauvois, Small treatise on manipulation for the use of honest people , Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 2004, ( ISBN2706110449 ).
  15. Frequently Asked Questions [ archive ], International Coach Federation France, items 8 and 15.
  16. Coaching , Caby , 2002, De Vecchi ., p. 171.
  17. Rome K1103 sheet – Personal development and well-being of the person [ archive ], on chambre-syndicale-sophrologie.fr , December 2011.
  18. Higy- Lang C. and Gellman C., Coaching , 2000, Éditions d’Organisation.

Best business coach in Europe – Bibliography


  • “On “accompaniment”, as a paradigm” (Issue of the journal Pratiques de Formation/ Analyses ( University of Paris 8, Formation Permanente, December 2000
  • Accompaniment: a specific professional posture ( Maela PAUL) Éditions L’Harmattan (December 2, 2004). Collection: Knowledge and training.
  • The empire of coaches. A new form of social control , Roland Gori and Pierre Le Coz , Albin-Michel, 2006 ( ISBN978-2226174987 )
  • Dictionary of coaching , Pierre Angel, Patrick Amar, Émilie Devienne , Jacques Tencé , ed. Dunod, 2007 ( ISBN978-2100496563 )
  • Professional support? : Method for the use of practitioners exercising an educational function (Michel Vial, Nicole Caparros-Mencacci , Jean-Marie De Ketele ). DeBoeck (2007). Collection: Pedagogies in development.
  • To be Coach: From the search for performance to enlightenment , Robert Dilts , ed. Dunod , 2008 ( ISBN978-2100502462 )
  • Knowing how to be a coach: An art, a posture, an ethic , Reine Marie Halbout , ed. Eyrolles , 2009 ( ISBN978-2212542349 )
  • Guide for the professional accompaniment of a change (Louise Lafortune). Presses of the University of Quebec (2009). Collection: Fusion.


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