
socially desirable psychology


© Article translated from the book “ PSICOLOGIA DI MARKETING E COMUNICAZIONE. Pulsioni d’acquisto, leve persuasive, nuove strategie di comunicazione e management” copyright Dr. Daniele Trevisani Intercultural Negotiation Training and Coaching, published with the author’s permission. The Book’s rights are on sale and are available. If you are interested in publishing the book in English, or any other language, or seek Intercultural Negotiation Training, Coaching, Mentoring and Consulting, please feel free to contact Daniele Trevisani

Impressions Management and Identity Projection

Our hypotheses go in search of profound drives and drives, beyond the pure verbal and conscious expression. If we consider sufficient the first verbal explanations provided by consumers, to understand the real dynamics of their behavior, we will satisfy you very little. It is not easy for anyone to give answers to questions like: “How much has influenced Superman’s character in the construction of your ideal self-model” (to a boy, but specularly this applies to Barbie in a girl). The influence can have occurred, and very strong, but at an unconscious level, without a clear perception of the phenomenon.

Psychosocial literature is too rich in studies that show how much distance there is between what people say they do and what they really do, between the image they project to the outside and their true identity, between what they are and what they would be. A first moment of analysis concerns the distance between what people project, among what they declare, and true behaviors and thoughtful thoughts. In general, the collimation between these spheres is not total, but there are areas of the self that do not emerge (area 1), and areas of the seriously projected (area 3). Marketing research has highlighted the phenomenon of Socially Desirable Responding (SDR) which concerns the tendency of individuals to project themselves, when interviewed formally or in interpersonal communication, an acceptable, positive image, compared to current cultural rules, or to Rules of belonging groups. David Mick (1996) For example he highlighted the difficulties inherent in the exploration of the “Dark Side” of consumer behavior, on topics such as materialism, the use of alcohol and drugs, the compulsive purchase, small theft in stores , bets, cigarette smoke, and prostitution. Socially Desirable Responding takes place both inability to focus its motivations, which by will precisely hide facts, behaviors and opinions, consumption, cultural and political.

An extremely widespread phenomenon consists of impressions management, the strategic management behavior of one’s own image towards others. This is implemented by expressing thoughts and actions conforming to the rules of good social coexistence and morality (and not what is done or really thinks).

Paulhus (1984) highlights as the subjects interviewed in market research extressly practical impressions management and practicing attempts to build their answers with the aim of reflecting a positive social image.

Anonymity was found at least partially related to the construction of less artificial responses. Even in conditions of anonymity, however, many individuals continue to practice careful image management that emerges from the way to behave and the answers they give. A further explanation of the persistence of SDR phenomena even in conditions of anonymity must lead us to ask us: in the eyes of those who try to look positive? Only in the eyes of others?

No. In reality, Impressions Management also takes place internally to the individual himself, (Self Impressions Management), at any time when an affirmation provides the work of building the ideal image of themselves (ideal image or ideal Self Image). The SDR also takes place in conditions of poor relevance of relations for the individual. For example it was noted that people tend to manage their image by practicing impressions management even while they chat in a waiting queue at the supermarket, or on a bus, or abroad at an airport with a nearby travel, with people who They will probably never see.

Psychology of the Purchase Behavior

© Article translated from the book “ PSICOLOGIA DI MARKETING E COMUNICAZIONE. Pulsioni d’acquisto, leve persuasive, nuove strategie di comunicazione e management” copyright Dr. Daniele Trevisani Intercultural Negotiation Training and Coaching, published with the author’s permission. The Book’s rights are on sale and are available. If you are interested in publishing the book in English, or any other language, or seek Intercultural Negotiation Training, Coaching, Mentoring and Consulting, please feel free to contact Daniele Trevisani .

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