


Semiotics for Leadership book cover thumb© Article by Daniele Trevisani, from the book “Semiotics for Leaders” (see in Amazon more details about the book)

There is no Power without Knowledge. Wisdom and “Noesis” for Climbing the mountains of life

Even small tasks like making a phone call or going into a bar and interact with someone, can become huge mountains to climb when we are empty of energies. And very often we give up even before trying reaching the first step.

Our view is that it is always worth trying to improve ourselves, we can become alchemists of our personal growth, alchemist for organizations or clients, and deeply inside, researchers.

Researchers do not just look for data. Researchers look for knowledge, meanings, truth, getting rid of fake perceptions. The result of a good research into the truth is “Noesis”, the generation of new patterns of thought, new light, new knowledge that replaces fake or unreal assumptions and truths.

Been rooted in ancient European philosophical texts, we will often pay a tribute to Latin Wisdom, phrases that explain, much deeper that modern “fast and easy” manuals, deep meanings for leadership.

Qui audet adipiscitur

S/he who dares wins

The art and science of accessing and opening the vast amount of hidden human energies has just begun.

Fortunately, a new Science of Human Factor is rising, a science of what Humans can do, achieve, and generate, when functioning at their best.

Any science is based on knowledge. As the following semiotic map depicts, knowledge or “Noesis” is strongly related to Power. Cognition, knowledge, and therefore training, study and research can generate Power

map 01

Having “Power without Knowledge” is like giving a gun to a 1 or 2-years old baby, that will use it as a toy, very likely killing someone by mistake, generating severe damages. Knowledge, instead, can become the instrument for developing and improving the world we live in.

For functioning at our best, we need to take into account the fact that we are made of physical matter (bones, muscles, tissue…) but also have dreams and feelings.

Our intangible states, emotions, our levels of consciousness, our values, desires, memories, assets and skills determine the performance we can achieve, the life we can have, the mountains we can climb, the oceans where we can swim, the landscapes that we will be able to see.

The HPM Exa-leadership Method derives its name from the primary objective of Modeling, giving “shape” to Human Energies, generating power and “crafting” intangible possibilities into real life and real action, as much as an artist gives shape to its distinctive and unique form of art starting from a vague idea.
Semiotics for Leadership book cover thumb© Article by Daniele Trevisani, from the book “Semiotics for Leaders” (see in Amazon more details about the book)

enlightmenthuman potentialhuman creativity

By Dr. Daniele Trevisani (Linkedin Page)– anticipation from the volumes “Human Potential” and “The Soul Box” (Amazon Ebook)


If you arrive to a point where you are able to define “better” from a really internal viewpoint, from a novel cleaner way of reasoning, and out of forced cultural or external expectations, you will be very close to wisdom.

And if what is “better” for you does not correspond to what the advertising industry is showing, don’t worry. Probably you are on a good path. Express your thoughts freely about what is “better” for you.

Free expression is the base of human rights, the root of human nature and the mother of truth. To kill free speech is to insult human rights, to stifle human nature and to suppress truth.

Liu Xiaobo

When you do so, you are on a good path.

If you do not ask yourself what humans can do with their intelligence and technology, and where we should be headed to, that is like using a supercomputer as a typing machine. Is that real Human Potential?

To bring out the truth of the need to stop and pose difficult life-meaning questions to ourselves and our leaders, is like bearing the flag of freedom in a dictatorship in its central plaza.

I feel that with just one life to spend, I do not want to waste it in lies on things like Human Potential. It is not “fast and easy”, it is a life-long path.

If we do not have a clear idea about what Human Potential is, we will never be Educators, and will never achieve any type of Leadership.

To be the CEO or General Director of an Educational Institution does not make anyone an Expert on Human Potential in Education. It’s just a tag, anyone who has this tag should be proud of it but start after “second 1” to search for the truth of what a “Progress” really is.

Progress, also tends to be very “role-specific”, on example the progress in school grades is usually considered separated from progresses achieved in physical activity, sports and fitness. This separation neglects the unity of Human Potential and the interconnections among all of the human spheres of action. When we find in which field we wish to express ourselves.

A student, scientist or manager that practices sport will also be a better “thinker” since he/she will get rid of stress and have more phisical energies in any field, also intellectually.

For the same “law of interconnectedness inner energies” people who do high-intensity phisical sports will benefit from learning mental techniques on control of mind-states, relaxation, meditation, and similar.

We tend to identify ourselves in one of the several roles interpreted in life, as a one-shot imprinting, without considering that any role is a transition, is momentary and will sooner or later vanish. Being a kid vanishes, being a teenager vanishes, being a student vanishes, every job sooner or later vanishes.

We should look at our identity as a continuously evolving co-presence of several roles, unified by a soul that gives us a life purpose, a solid root of which we can be more or less aware.

For this reason the work on Human Potential must include both a work at the very “low level” of the body, a research at the “intermediate level” of skills and abilities, and a work at the very “high level” of values, life-dreams and core beliefs.

The tags Low, middle, and high, do not imply here a judgment, but the position along the continuum from tangible Human Factor issues (e.g., body power) to intangible issues (such as, the strength of personal values).

When an individual – or an entire group of people – increase their energy levels, new challenges become possible, new ways of being do emerge from the darkness and the unknown, and new forms of leadership arise.

Taking full consciousness of our self-potential and fight for reaching it, is a blessed mission, a sacred operation that goes beyond the numeric or professional results that might arrive.

By Dr. Daniele Trevisani (Linkedin Page)– anticipation from the volumes “Human Potential” and “The Soul Box” (Amazon Ebook)

© Article by Dr. Daniele Trevisani – www.danieletrevisani.com – Copyright. Adapted from the book The Soul Box. Ancient Wisdom meets Human Potential Research. Thoughts for Self-Expression, Inner Energy and Life


It’s better to light a lamp, than to curse the darkness .
Lao Tzu

Every day you get up. And every day you fight a battle.

Sometimes you even realize that you’re fighting, sometimes you are anesthetized and do not feel it, but the fight continues, always. Deep forces face each other within us. In the depths of our hearts, two entities, two dragons, forces or titans … no matter how you want to call, are struggling for the victory. They are the Energies and the Fears.

  • The first warrior is our Personal Energy, physical and mental, our determination, ability, enthusiasm, physical power and mental toughness. This side of life also comprises good, generative, positive thoughts and ideas. It is the metaphor of the Light, the Good, and Life.
  • The other side is the land of Fears, darkness, pain, anxiety, oppressive ideologies, and the formidable challenges that life poses us. This side comprises difficulties, negative ideas, wrong beliefs that try to grab you and push you down, or make you turn back, and slow our attempt to advance. As illusory or real these forces might be, they erode our instinct towards self-expression in life and inhibit our hunger for freedom.


In fairy tales and myths, this struggle is represented as the metaphor of the Hero’s Journey, where life becomes a series of tests that the Hero must take to assert himself in the world.

And we, tiny creatures among millions of stars in the universe, immersed in this fight, what can we do? Well, let me say: a lot! We could first install a mental radar that goes in search of the negative ideas that circulate in our minds. Negative beliefs, once exposed, identified become enemies. And you can finally fight.

Intelligence is useful for survival if we can extinguish a bad idea before the bad idea extinguishes us

Karl Popper

Another fundamental operation is to open our minds towards the entrance of good, positive ideas, new visions, new learning, and let in fresh water from a thousand brooks. It can be a journey, a book, an enlightened person to listen. Any source of learning moves our energy-balance towards the side of light and weakens the darkness.

The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to the previous dimension.

Albert Einstein

Each person accepts or not the challenges that life poses, based on the “internal state” the he/she is living, the state of physical and mental power and energy, and this is related to how our “inner balance”, works, and the accuracy of our mental radar.

Our mind weighs perceived energies and perceived fears, then decides.

Who is able to do mental cleansing and re-charge his/her energy, becomes powerful beyond measure, up to the point of actively seeking challenging projects. An energetic person will seek challenges in which to apply the energies that feels, the resources that he/she possesses.

This applies to athletes, martial artists, fighters in life, even to a couple who decides to give birth to children in this rotten world, knowing that eventually the light will prevail or at least that this possibility exists.

The challenges always teach.

Those that we accept but also those who do not accept.

Fears are growing in us. Some are motivated and useful to save our lives. Driving without paying attention to the road needs to become something that we fear, and it must be something that generates awareness of the danger. This is not a pathological fear, but fear to drive – the pure fear of driving, is a debilitating fear, something to get rid of.


When you are ready to die you will be ready to live.

Sitting Bull (1831 – 1890), tribal chief of the Hunkpapa Sioux (Lakota).

Those who live within completely unmotivated fears, carry exhausting rocks in their backpack. Misconceptions, wrong fears, become unnecessary weight to be disposed of as soon as possible. The fear to try a different career, fear of failure in a project, the fear of public speaking, fear of trying new roads.

As in a fairy tale, epic confrontation between these two forces never ends, within us and outside us.

We must look for some positive challenges. It becomes a positive challenge to remove the suffering to every child on the planet.

It becomes a challenge to remove from ourselves the fears of which we can do without, and learn to live fully.

Living fully means to decide what deserves to be a part of our lives and what does not. Do not let it decide to the mass, to others, to a TV program, or ignorance.

It is necessary to do this cleaning every day. It ‘a daily exercise of mental autonomy, freedom at the liquid state. A fighter does not remain standing waiting to be struck without reacting, he/she will use every technique, every energy, every tactic, to win the match. This is also true in life.

So we will fight every day this struggle for freedom.

And we are proud of this.


Destiny is not written, it is what we create.

(John Connor) from the movie Terminator Salvation


© Article by Dr. Daniele Trevisani – www.danieletrevisani.com – Copyright. Adapted from the book The Soul Box. Ancient Wisdom meets Human Potential Research. Thoughts for Self-Expression, Inner Energy and Life
