© by Dr. Daniele Trevisani – http://www.danieletrevisani.com. From the book “The Soul Box

Intuition and instinct are a part of our ancient brain skills. Sensing is something that culture tries to hide and wipe out from people, and repressive society hopes you lose quickly, to reduce your power, to let you forget your “animal past” that recognizes threats immediately, to force you to look at tv instead that living as an “animal present”. Your instinct skills, your sensing, are the most powerful human factor resource you really have.

And you don’t need any certificate to get them. They were there with your DNA, they are probably just covered with cultural dust. A dust that a warrior learns to recognize, a dust that a free soul learns to remove.

We wish to explore what science brings us to open the dam of this river, but also to dig inside the secrets of the Sensing Skills and Positive Thinking that pervaded ancient wisdom, a wisdom that has no written code but must be uncovered from proverbs, mottos, rather than in easy to find official literature.

You don’t need to “analyze” an incredible amount of statistical data to understand if you like someone. You just “sense it”. You don’t need to use complex questionnaires to measure the climate and communication quality in a group. Just look at their faces and the way they walk and you will have a very good “sensing” of what is going on.

Many modern companies use “psychological assessment” to evaluate psychological fitness and readiness by means of questionnaires, instead of shadowing them while they are in real working conditions. Sensing, as a skill, is lost. We must recuperate it.

A real holistic approach needs to merge modern scientific findings with ancient Greco-Latin thoughts, Modern “Positive Psychology” findings often point to the same “stars and gods” the Greco-Romans looked at.

Lots of modern researchers look for new ways of self-expression, often forgetting that some golden rules have already been set.

So let’s start with one of the first pearls of wisdom.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam

I’ll either find a way or make one

The phrase has been ascribed to the Carthaginian General Hannibal; in 218 B.C. When his generals told him it was impossible to cross the Alps by elephant, to fight the Roman Army, this was his response.

This motto seems to anticipate of 2000 years the modern approach to Positive Psychology and many fields such as NLP (a pseudo-science) and several other approaches that sell “magic” and tell you they have invented the wheel. The balance of scientific evidence reveals NLP to be a largely discredited pseudoscience. Scientific reviews show it contains numerous factual errors[1], and fails to produce the results asserted by proponents[2].

If we really want to make achievements in personal development, we should stay away from sects and look in a holistic manner to seeds that the ancients wisdom left, together with modern results of communication science and neuroscience.

[1] von Bergen, C. W.; Gary, Barlow Soper; Rosenthal, T.; Wilkinson, Lamar V. (1997). “Selected alternative training techniques in HRD”. Human Resource Development Quarterly 8 (4): 281–294.

Druckman, Daniel (1 November 2004). “Be All That You Can Be: Enhancing Human Performance”. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 34 (11): 2234–2260.

[2] Witkowski, Tomasz (1 January 2010). “Thirty-Five Years of Research on Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP Research Data Base. State of the Art or Pseudoscientific Decoration?”. Polish Psychological Bulletin 41 (2).

Sharpley, Christopher F. (1 January 1987). “Research findings on neurolinguistic programming: Nonsupportive data or an untestable theory?”. Journal of Counseling Psychology 34 (1): 103–107


© by Dr. Daniele Trevisani – http://www.danieletrevisani.com. From the forthcoming book “The Soul Box


Formatore e Coach su temi di Sviluppo del Potenziale Personale, Comunicazione Interculturale e Negoziazione Internazionale, Psicologia Umanistica. Senior Expert in HR, Human Factor, Psicologia delle Performance, Comunicazione e Management, Metodologie Attive di Formazione e Coaching.


  1. Pingback: Communication Research & Human Potential | Dr. Daniele Trevisani – Human Research

  2. Caro Daniele,
    è stato per me un piacere leggere il tuo articolo.
    La citazione “Aut viam inveniam aut faciam” è sicuramente alla base del pensiero positivo, trainante nella sfida del mettersi in gioco, nel rialzarsi dopo le cadute, nel porsi dei traguardi elevati.
    Per vivere e non solo lasciarsi sopravvivere concordo sulla indispensabilità di raccogliere e contemporaneamente espandere i nostri sensi. Solo così è possibile cogliere le sfumature della vita.
    Cari saluti
    Bice Previtera

  3. Il tuo pensiero si ricollega a quello del mio Manifesto It. di Ecopoetry (reparative thinking) tratto anche dalle teorie della Di Brant. Ti cito un estratto del suo pensiero:

    “Post-postmodern ecopoetry and poetics, as Brandt sees it, involve the exploration of “reparative thinking” as a corrective to the typically bipolar thinking of the 20th century, which separated rationalist materialism from subjective modes of thinking and feeling. Reparative thinking is relational and therapeutic in intent; it allows for surprise and it enables extravagant gestures of reversal and transformation, gestures that are simultaneously revisionary and conservationist.”
    Le moderne neuroscienze confermano sperimentalmente queste teorie.

    • Caro Daniele,
      sono lieta di sentirti parlare di “Eco Poetry” e del suo significato.
      Mi trovo pienamente d’accordo.
      Solo con la tenacia è possibile mantenere e difendere a testa alta quella parte di noi stessi dedicata al sentire, che ci fa assaporare la vita. La mia esperienza diretta mi consente di affermare in ogni caso che, quanto più irti siano gli ostacoli da affrontare, tanto più profonda è la soddisfazione nel superarli.
      Si disserta sulla distinzione fra sapere scientifico e sapere letterario, ma è di grande attualità scoprire come una mente aperta come Oliver Sachs sia riuscito nell’intento di trasfondere l’uno nell’altro con agevolezza.
      Bisogna solo avere il coraggio e la determinazione di essere se stessi, credendo nelle proprie capacità, rischiando di esporsi, senza tema di venire giudicati. Io ho deciso di mettermi in gioco. Sono medico, ma scrivo poesie da molto prima di diventarlio. Adoro la poesia.
      L’anima è variegata, sfaccettata, complessa e cambia dinamicamente prospettiva a seconda del profilo sotto cui la guardi, come in un caleidoscopio.
      È bello tenere acuti i sensi, per captare ogni attimo, ogni emozione, ogni sfumatura.
      Siamo sulla medesima lunghezza d’onda.
      Mi fa piacere invitarti alla presentazione del mio nuovo libro di poesia, “In filigrana”, che sarà pubblicato nei prossimi giorni dalla Curcio, che si terrà il 23 ottobre a Roma.
      Un caro saluto
      Bice Previtera

  4. Pingback: Rivista di Comunicazione e Potenziale Umano n. 2-2018 – Speciale su Empatia, Ascolto Attivo, Leadership – Dr. Daniele Trevisani – Human Research

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