© Article by Dr. Daniele Trevisani – http://www.danieletrevisani.com – Copyright. Adapted from the book The Soul Box. Ancient Wisdom meets Human Potential Research. Thoughts for Self-Expression, Inner Energy and Life

Honor is too often confounded with something that comes from outside, career, certificates, awards, tangible successes, or an attribute that “significant others” give to you. This is fake.

Fast and easy money, popularity, luxury products, are advertised as honorable instead of being shown for what they are: fog for the soul.

Nothing that comes “fast and easy” will last. No single life has any value if it does not attempt to bring more to humanity than what it received. No great work has ever come from nothing.

Absque sudore et labore nullum opus perfectum est

“Without sweat and toil no work is made perfect”


To equal “fame” or “wealth” with real honor is false and fake. This is one of the worst concepts you could assimilate and intoxicate with. And the fastest you get rid of it, the better you will feel and the cleaner your life will become.

Your professional choices will also be deeply affected making your shine like a diamond in the middle of a dense fog where most of the world population lives, including managers.

Sometimes a hard choice leaves you with less material goods but with a higher sense of moral integrity and self-esteem. The alternative would drive you directly in the hospital or obituary. Every time our inner mind knows that some sacred rules have been broken, and we betrayed what we deeply are, we get emotional sickness, physical illness, and decreases of our purest energies.

Every time we do er even try something that honors our soul and our values we nourish our mind, our body, our self-esteem.

Self honor comes step by step, ir requires trials, failures, and attempts. We all should accept living with uncertainty, uncertainty about faith, about the future, about material issues, but be sure that we count on something that will always be with us: our values.

Any enormous field has been built on single seeds.

Parvis imbutus tentabis grandia tutus

“Once you have tried small things, you may attempt great ones safely”

This certainty is a shining diamond in a world where we are forced to live side by side with uncertainty and darkness. This diamond brings us much more energy and life than what it appears initially.

People who did things like stealing money from poorer people, dishonoring their values, and leaving the world in worse conditions, very often do not live enough to spend that money. Cancers are looking for those people as bees look for flowers. And very often, the internal endocrine and immune system of people who internally know to have a dirty soul, freaks out and does the rest, bringing them to die faster.

There is a kind of self-honor, to be reckoned with. Let me explain. It is an honor that lies completely inside you, an honor coming from within and that does not need any external recognition.

The mere fact that you know is enough. You know that you do enlist among those who seek, study, struggle to change the world or to improve themselves, and to help others. This generates Life-sense in itself. It’s important and that’s enough.

And… there’s more good news. Anyone who enlists has already won even before starting, because the simple fact of heading towards the light is winning.

It’s a win against apathy. It’s a win over the death of the soul. A victory against untold darkness that we carry within us starts from making some moral choices and decide to be a part of the light. This means to try to leave the world slightly a better place. If you succeed it’s ok, if not at least you tried.

Universal forces and your soul will be richer and healthier. You will die with honor and without the regret of having wasted your only life.

The struggles of life are much sweeter when we perceive fully our inner diamond made of honor and are filled with its light.

There will be no difficulty that is able to outshine it.

Per angusta ad augusta

“through difficulties to greatness”


© Article by Dr. Daniele Trevisani – http://www.danieletrevisani.com – Copyright. Adapted from the book The Soul Box. Ancient Wisdom meets Human Potential Research. Thoughts for Self-Expression, Inner Energy and Life


Formatore e Coach su temi di Sviluppo del Potenziale Personale, Comunicazione Interculturale e Negoziazione Internazionale, Psicologia Umanistica. Senior Expert in HR, Human Factor, Psicologia delle Performance, Comunicazione e Management, Metodologie Attive di Formazione e Coaching.


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